mosque-kairouan-okba-Notaire a Kairouan

Notary a kairouan –

Why call on non -notary in Kairouan ? The notary in Kairouan plays a central role in securing real estate transactions. Contair to a simple contract between individuals, the intervention of a notary ensures the compliance of the sale of Tunisian Loois and protects the droes of the parties. In Tunisia, the notary (also called…

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Ibn Al-Jazzar: A Pioneer of Islamic Medicine

The mausoleum of physician Ibn Al-Jazzar in Kairouan, Tunisia, is a moving testimony to Islamic medical heritage. Born Abu Ja’far Ahmad ibn Ibrahim Abu Khalid Al-Qayrawani around the year 898, Ibn Al-Jazzar came from a family of renowned doctors in Kairouan. His early involvement in the study and practice of medicine led him to become…

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